Charity No: 1145634




1)      Name of the association

The name of the association is Elbistan Community Centre called in this document “the association”

 2)      Address of the Association: Kypros Cottage Florentia Clothing Village, Vale Road, London, N4 1TD

3)      Objects of the association

3.1          The objects of the Association are:

  1. a)      To promote the benefit of the Kurdish and Turkish speaking Communities in Britain without distinction of sex or of political, religious or other opinions by associating the local authorities, voluntary organisations and inhabitants in a common effort to advance education and to provide facilities in the interests of social welfare for recreation and leisure – time occupation with the object of improving the conditions of life for the Kurdish and Turkish communities in Britain;
  2. b)      To secure the establishment of a Community Centre and to maintain and manage, or to cooperate with any local statutory authority in the maintenance and management of such a centre for activities promoted by the association in furtherance of the above objects;
  3. c)      To relieve poverty by providing advice and assistance to those in need.
  4. d)     To do any other charitable activity.

4)      Statement of intention

The Association must remain non-party in politics and non-sectarian in Religion. It must not discriminate on the grounds of sex, religious or Political beliefs or other opinion.

5)      What the Association may do:

5.1    The Association may do anything lawful that may be necessary in order to   promote its objects, including the use of the following powers:

(a) Provide, manage, maintain, furnish and fit with all the necessary

(b) Furniture and other equipment the buildings and any other premises which the company may need for its objects.


(c) Employ and pay any employees, officers servants and professional or other advisers so long as no member of the Management committee is so Employed.

(d) Subject to any consent required by law to raise funds and borrow moneys invite and receive contributions from anyone through subscriptions or in Any other way.

(e) Subject to any consent required by law to buy, take on lease, hire charge Or mortgage or acquire any land or property of any sort

(f) Construct, alter and maintain any building or structures

(g) Print and publish anything in furtherance of the objects

(h) To provide or procure the provision of counselling and guidance in Furtherance of the objects or any of them.

(i) To promote and advertise the association’s activities;

(j) Apply for, seek, obtain and accept government or other grants

(k) Invest any money that the association does not immediately need in any Investments, Securities or properties and in selecting such investments Power to take into account ethical, moral and environmental issues raised.

(l) Undertake any charitable trust or any charitable agency business, which May promote the association’s objects

(m) Make all reasonable and necessary provision for the payment of pensions And superannuation to or on behalf of employees and their wives, husbands And other dependants

(n) To carry on with charitable business insofar as either the charity is exercised in the course of the actual carrying out of a primary object of the association or the business is temporary and ancillary to the carrying out of the objects aforesaid and to

Incorporate any company to carry on any such business;

(o) To establish support or join with any charitable companies, institutions, Societies or associations whose objects are the same as or similar to its own

(p) Purchase or otherwise acquire any of the property, assets and liabilities of any of The charities, institutions, societies or associations with which the association is Authorised to join, and perform any of their engagements

(q) Transfer any of the association’s property, assets, liabilities and engagements to any of the charities, institutions, societies or associations with which the association is Authorised to join

(s) Enter into any arrangements with any governments, authorities or any person, Company or association necessary to promote any of the association’s objects

(t)  Insure any risks arising from the association’s activities

(u) To pay out of the funds of the charity the cost of any premium in respect of Insurance or indemnities to cover the liability of the Management Committee (Or any management committee member) which by virtue of any rule of law would Otherwise attach to them in respect of any negligence, default, breach of duty or Breach of trust of which they may be guilty in relation to the charity: Provided that Any such insurance shall not extend to any claim arising from any act or omission Which the Management Committee (or any Management Committee member) Knew or ought reasonably to have known, was a breach of trust or which was Committee by those persons or person in reckless disregard of whether it was a Breach of trust or not.

(v) To make such ex gratia payments as are considered reasonable and fair.

(w) To pay all the expenses and costs of establishing this Association and registering with the Charity Commission for England and Wales

  1. Restrictions on what the association can do:

6.1 If the Association takes or holds any property which may be subject to any trusts, it may only deal with or invest the property in accordance with the law governing Such trust

 6.2 The Association’s objects must not extend to the regulation of relations between Workers and employers or between organisations of workers and organisations of Employers

6.3 If the Association takes or holds any property, which is subject to the jurisdiction of the Charity Commissioners for England and Wales, it must not sell, mortgage, Charge or lease the consent required by law. The Management Committee of the Association is chargeable for property that comes into their hands. They are as Answerable and accountable for their acts, receipts, neglects, defaults and proper Administration of the property as they would have been if the association had not Been formed into a association

6.4 The income and property of the Association must be applied solely towards Promoting its Objects. None of it may be paid or transferred directly or indirectly To members of the association in any way except as shown below under “Allowed Payments

7-Allowed Payments 

7-1 The Association may pay:

(a)    Reasonable and proper payment to any officer or servant of the association who is not a member of its Management Committee for any services to the association

(b)    Interest on money lent by any member of the Association or its Management Committee. The annual rate of interest must not be more than 2% below the base rate of one of the clearing banks or a rate of 3% whichever is greater.

(c)    Reasonable out-of-pocket expenses to any member of the Management Committee.

(d)   Reasonable and proper payment to any association which a member of the Management Committee holds not more than a hundredth of the capital

(e)    Reasonable and proper rent of premises demised or let by any member of the Association or its Management Committee.

(f)   All reasonable and` proper premiums in respect of indemnity insurance effected in accordance with the powers in this Constitution.

Provided that no member of the Association or the Management Committee shall be present during the discussion of or voting on any decision to borrow money from or pay rent to that member.

8- Alterations to this Constitution

8.1. No alterations to this Constitution may be made which would cause the association to cease to be a charity in law. Other alterations to this Constitution may only be made by special resolution to be valid, 21 clear days’ notice of it must be given, and 75% of those voting must be in favour of it. Such a resolution may be passed on less notice if 95% of the total number of members having the right to vote agrees.

8.2. Alterations may only be made to the objects of the Association this clause or the final clause of this Constitution with the Charity Commission’s written consent.

8.3. The Charity Commission must be informed of alterations and all future copies of the Constitution issued must contain the alteration.

9- Winding-up of the Association

 9.1 If the Association is wound-up or dissolved, and there remains any property after all debts and liabilities have been met, the property must not be distributed among the members of the Association. Instead it must be given or transferred to some other charitable institutions. This other institution must have similar Objects to those of the Association and must prohibit the distribution of its income and property among its members to an extent at least as great as that required by this Constitution of Association.

9.2. The institutions will be chosen by the members of the Association at or before the time when the Association is wound-up or dissolved.


 Regulations Governing the Association

(Internal Management)

1-       Rights of Inspection by Members

 1.1. The Association is established for the” Objects” shown in the Objects of the Association Section (Clause 3 above).

1.2. A copy of the constitution and any rules the Management Committee make must be available for inspection at the Office. Any member must be given a copy these on payment of a Reasonable fee fixed by the Management Committee.

2-      Register of Members

2.1. The association must keep at the Office a register of members Showing their name, address and date of membership

2.2. On signing this register, people qualifying for membership under These Articles become members.

2.3. The register is available for inspection.

 3-      Membership

 3.1. Membership is open to the following irrespective of political party, Religious opinion or sex:

3.2. Individual Members

  1. a) The Subscribers
  2. b) Voting Members who shall consist of anyone aged 18 or over from amongst the Kurdish and Turkish communities that the Management Committee decides to admit to membership.
  3. c) Non-voting Members who shall consist of persons under the age of 18 (Junior Members) and persons from outside the Kurdish and Turkish communities (Associate Members) whom the management Committee decides to admit to membership.

3.3 Group Members

Group Members are the organisations whom the Management Committee decides to admit to membership.

3.4. When a group becomes a member it must give a copy of its Constitution (if any) to the association.

3.5. Each Group Member has the right to appoint one representative. At Any time by giving notice in writing to the Association, the Group Member Can cancel the appointment of its representative and appoint another Instead. The Group Member must confirm the name of its representative At the Association’s request. The representative has the right to attend and to Vote at general meetings of the association and any vote given shall be Valid unless prior to the vote the Association receives written notice ending The representative’s authority.

4.6. Group Members stop being members in the same way as Individual Members stop being members.

4-      No Transfer of Membership

 4.1. None of the rights of any member of the Association may be Transferred or transmitted to any other person.

 5– Ending of Membership

5.1. A member stops being a member of the association if:

  1. a) The member resigns from membership by giving notice in writing To the Association:
  2. b) Membership is ended under Article 6;
  3. c) The member’s subscription (if any) remains unpaid six months after it is due and the management Committee resolves to end that person’s membership.

6 – Removal from Membership

6.1 The Management Committee may suspend the rights of any member by Giving him or her notice in writing of the suspension.

6.2. Within 28 days of receiving that notice the member can send or give an appeal In writing to the Office against the suspension. If no appeal is received, the Member automatically stops being a member. If an appeal is received within the Time limit, the suspension must be considered by the next meeting of the Management Committee. The member has the right to be heard at the meeting. The meeting must either confirm the suspension, in which case the person is out of Membership, or lift the suspension.

7- General Meetings

7.1 Each year, the Association must hold an annual general meeting in Addition to any other general meeting in that year. The annual general; Meeting must be specified as such in the notices calling it. The first annual General meeting must be held within 15 months of the establishment of the Association after which not more than 15 months must pass between one Annual general meeting and the next.

 8- Extraordinary General Meetings

8.1. All general meetings except annual general meetings are called Extraordinary general meetings.

9 – Calling of Extraordinary General Meetings

 9.1. The Management Committee may call an extraordinary general meeting whenever they wish. Such a meeting must also be called if three members or 10% of the Voting Members of the Company request it.

10 – Notice of Meetings

10.1 An annual general meeting and a meeting called for the passing of a Special resolution must be called by giving at least 21 clear days’ notice in Writing. Other meetings of the Association must be called by giving at least 15 Clear days’ notice in writing. These notices must specify the place, date And time of the meeting. If special business is to be discussed, full details Or the general nature of the business must be given. Notice of the meeting Must be given to everyone entitled by Constitution to receive it.

10.2. However, even if shorter notice is given than that shown in Article

10.3. The meeting will be treated as having been correctly called if it is soAgreed:

  1. a) In the case of an annual general meeting, by all the members entitled to attend and vote at it;
  2. b)In the case of any other meeting, by a majority of the members who have a right to attend and vote. But this majority must represent at least 95% of the total membership of the Association members who have voting rights.

11- Ordinary and Special Business at General Meetings

11.1. At an extraordinary general meeting all business will be treated As special    business. At an annual general meeting all business will be Treated as special except the consideration of accounts and balance Sheets, the reports of the members of the Management Committee and Auditors, the election of members of the Management Committee in Place of those retiring, the appointment of Auditors, and the fixing of the Payments to the Auditors.

12- Quorum

 12.1. Business may be done at a general meeting only if a quorum of Members is present when the meeting begins to deal with its business. A Quorum is a 25% or third of the Voting Members, whichever is the lesser.

13 – Adjournment if no Quorum

13.1. If the meeting is called by the demand of members, it must be Dissolved if, within half an hour later the appointed starting time, a Quorum is not present. If called in another way, the meeting must be Adjourned to the same day in the next week at the same time and place, or To another day, time and place as the Management Committee may Decide.

13.2 If the adjourned meeting a quorum is not present within half an hour After the appointed starting time, the members present will be a quorum.

  1. Chairperson

 14.1. The Chairperson (if any) of the Management Committee must Preside as Chairperson, at every general meeting of the association. If There is no Chairperson or if he/she will not be present within 15 minutes After the appointed starting time or is unwilling to take the chair, the Members of the Management Committee present must elect one of their Number to be Chairperson of the meeting.

15 – Election of Chairperson by Members

 15.1. If at any meeting no member of the Management Committee is Willing to act as Chairperson or if no member of the Management Committee is present within 15 minutes after the appointed starting time, The Voting Members present must choose one of their numbers to be Chairperson of the meeting.

16 – Adjournment of the Meeting

 16.1. The Chairperson may, with the consent of any meeting at which a Quorum is present (and must if so directed by the meeting), adjourn the Meeting from time to time and from place to peace. But no business may Be done at any adjourned meeting except business left unfinished at the Meeting from which the adjournment took place.

16.2. When a meeting is adjourned for 30 days or more, notice of the Adjourned meeting must be given as for the original meeting. Apart from That, it is not necessary to give any notice neither of an adjourned meeting nor of The business to be done at it.

17 – Voting on Resolutions

 17.1. At any general meeting a resolution put to the vote of the meeting is Decided by a simple majority on a show of hands unless a poll is Demanded (before or when the result of the show of hands is declared). A Poll can be demanded by the Chairperson or at least two Voting Members Who are present. No proxy votes are allowed.

18 – Declaration of Chairperson is Final

 18.1. Unless a poll is demanded, the Chairperson’s declaration that a Resolution has been carried by a particular majority or lost on a show of Hands and an entry saying so in the minute book is conclusive evidence of The result. The number or proportion of the votes need not be entered in The minute book.

18.2. The demand for poll may be withdrawn.

19 – When a poll is taken

19.1. A poll must be taken immediately, if it is correctly demanded to Elect a Chairperson or to decide upon an adjournment. Polls about other Things will be taken whenever the Chairperson says so. Business which is Not the subject of a poll may be dealt with before or during the poll. 19The Chairperson will decide how a poll will be taken. The result of a poll will be treated as a resolution of the meeting.

20 – Voting and Speaking

20.1. Every Voting Member has one vote including the Chairperson. If The votes are level; the Chairperson has a casting vote.

20.2. A member of the Management Committee shall have the same Rights to speak as a member even if he or she is not a member.

 21 – Written Agreement to Resolution

21.1. Unless the law says otherwise, members may pass a valid Resolution without a meeting being held. But for the resolution to be Valid:

  1. a) it must be writing;
  2. b) It must be signed by all those members (or their duly authorised representatives) entitled   to receive notice to attend and to vote at general meetings.

22 – Management by Members of the Management Committee

22.1. The business of the Association is managed by the Management Committee. They may pay all the expenses of promoting and Registering the Association.  They may use all powers of the Association Which are not, by the Act or by these Constitution, required to be used by a General meeting of the Association. But the Members of the Management Committee are at all times governed first by the Act, Second by the Constitution, and third by any regulations That a general meeting may prescribe.

22.2. General meetings cannot make a regulation that overrides the Constitution of the Association. Nor can they make one which invalidates Any prior act of the members of the Management Committee which Would otherwise have been valid. 



23 – Powers of the management Committee

23.1. The Management Committee may subject to such consents as the Law requires use all the powers of the association to:

  1. a) borrow money;
  2. b) mortgage or charge its property or any part of it;
  3. c) issue debentures, debenture stock or other securities, whether outright or as security for any debt, liability or obligation of the Association or any charitable third party;
  4. d) To resolve pursuant to the Constitution of Association to effect indemnity insurance notwithstanding their interest in such a policy.

24 – Payment of Subscription

24.1. All members must pay the subscriptions that the Management Committee may decide from time to time.

25 – Cheque and Bills etc

25.1. All cheques, promissory notes, drafts, bills of exchange and other Negotiable instruments and all receipts for money paid to the Association Shall indicate the name of the Association in full and must be signed, Drawn, accepted, endorsed, or otherwise made in the way that the Management Committee decides from time to time and cheques shall be Signed by two Management Committee members unless the Management Committee otherwise decides

26 – Indemnity of Members of the Management Committee

26.1. In the management of the affairs of the Association no member of The Management Committee shall be liable for any loss to the property Of the Association arising by reason of improper investment made in good Faith (as long as he shall have sought professional advice before making Such investment) or for the negligence or fraud of any agent employed By him or her or by any other member hereof in good faith (provided Reasonable supervision shall have been exercised) although the Employment of such agent was not strictly necessary or by reason of Any other matter or thing other than wilful and individual fraud, Wrongdoing or wrongful omission on the part of the member who is Sought to be made liable

26.2. Subject to the provisions of the Act but without prejudice to any Indemnity to which a member of the Management Committee may Otherwise be entitled every member of the Management Committee or Other officer or auditor of the Association shall be indemnified out of the Assets of the Association against any liability incurred by him in defending Any proceedings whether civil or criminal in which judgement was given In his favour or in connection with any application in which relief is Granted to him by the court from liability for negligence, default, breach Of duty or breach of trust in relation to the affairs of the Association and Against all costs, charges, losses, expenses or liabilities incurred by him In the execution and discharge of his duties or in relation thereto

27 – Payment of reasonable expenses to members of the Management Committee

27.1 The members of the Management Committee may be paid Reasonable out-of-pocket expenses that they have properly incurred in Connection with the business of the Association but shall not be paid any Other remuneration.

28 – The Keeping of Minutes 

28.1. The Management Committee must have minutes entered in the Minute books:

  1. a) of all appointments of officers by the Management Committee;
  2. b) of the names of the members of  the Management Committee present at each of its meetings and of any committee of the members the Management Committee;
  3. c) of all resolutions and proceedings at all meetings of:

(i) The Association;

(ii)               The Management Committee;

(iii)             Committees or subcommittees of the Management Committee.

28.2. All members of the Management Committee present at the kinds Of meetings mentioned in (i) and (ii) must sign their name in the book to Be kept for that purpose.

29 – The Make- up of the Management Committee

29.1. The first Management Committee consist of those people named in Statement of First Trustees filed under Section F5 of Application for Registration you the Charity Commission when the Association is formed or appointed By them. They hold office until the first annual general meeting. After That, the Management Committee consists of:

  1. a) not more than six representatives of Voting members to be elected from among and by the Voting Members at the annual general meeting
  2. b)  not more than six representatives of  Group members to be elected from among and by the Group representatives at the annual general meeting

29.2. If fewer than six Group members’ representatives are elected Individual Members may elect such additional number as is required to Fill any vacancies remaining from among themselves at the annual General meeting.


30 – Retirement of members of the Management Committee

30.1. At each annual general meeting, all members of the Management Committee must retire. But all are eligible for re-election.

31 – Change in Make –up and Number of the Management Committee

31.1. The make-up and number of the Management Committee may be Varied but not reduced below five. Variation can only be by resolution Approved by two-thirds of the Management Committee and ratified at a General meeting by a majority vote of the members present at the Meeting.

32 – Notification of Change of members of the Management Committee to the Charity Commission

32.1. All appointments, retirements or removals of trustees must be Notified to the Charity Commission.

 33 – Co-option of members of the Management Committee

 33.1. The Management Committee can appoint anyone to fill a vacancy In the membership of the Management Committee or can co-opt Additional members of the Management Committee. But no more than Five extra members may be co-opted. They will hold office until the Next annual general meeting. They will be eligible for re-election.

34 – Ending of Management Committee Membership

 34.1. A member of the Management Committee must cease to be a Member if he or she:

  1. a) is employed by the Association or holds any office of profit under the Association; or
  2. b) becomes bankrupt or makes any arrangement or composition with his or her creditors generally; or
  3. c) becomes barred from membership of the Management Committee because of any order made under the Act or by virtue of Section 45 of the Charities Act 1992; or
  4. d) becomes of unsound mind; or
  5. e) resigns the office by notice in writing to the Association but only if at least two members of the Management Committee will remain in office when the resignation takes effect; or
  6. f) Is directly or indirectly involved in any contract with the Association and fails to declare the nature of his or her interest in the proper way. The proper way is by giving notice at the first meeting at which the contract is discussed or the first meeting after the member became interested in the contract; or
  7. g) Is removed from office.

35 – Removal of a Member of the Management Committee by a General Meeting

35.1. A general meeting of the Association may remove any member of The Management Committee before the end of his or her period of Office whatever the rest of these Articles or any agreement between the Association and the member may say.

35.2 -Removal can take place only by the Association passing an Ordinary resolution saying so. At least 28 days’ notice to the Association And at least 21 days’ notice to the membership. Once the Association Receives such notice it must immediately send a copy to the member of The Management Committee concerned. He or she has a right to be Heard at the general meeting. He or she also has the right to make a Written statement of reasonable length. If the statement is received in Time it must be circulated with the notice of the meeting. If it is not Sent out, the member may require it to be read to the meeting.

36 – Removal of a Member of the Management Committee by the Management Committee

 36.1. If a member of the Management Committee fails to attend three Consecutive meetings of the Management Committee or to attend six Meetings in any twelve-month period, the Management Committee May resolve that he or she be removed from the Management Committee. The member must be given at least 7 days; notice in Writing of the resolution.

37 – Meetings of the Management Committee 

37.1. The Management Committee must meet no less than six times a Year but may otherwise meet, adjourn and run its meetings as it wishes, Subject to the rest of these Articles.

37.2. Questions arising at any meeting must be decided by a majority Of votes. Every member has one vote including the Chairperson. If the Votes are equal; the Chairperson has a casting vote.

37.3. A member of the Management Committee may, and the Secretary If requested by a member of the Management Committee must, Summon a meeting of the members of the Management Committee.

37.4. Notice of a meeting need not be given to any member of the Management Committee who is out of the United Kingdom.

38 – Officers of the Management Committee

38.1. Management Committee must elect a Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer and any other officers that it wishes.


39 – Notice of Management Committee Meetings to Employees

 39.01. The Association’s employees are entitled to the same notice as the Members of the Management Committee of any meeting of the Management Committee. They are entitled to attend it an speak at it Subject to the rules shown in these Articles but they may not vote.

40 – Meetings Open

40.1. Meetings of the Management Committee must normally be Open to members of the Association or those who have business With the Management Committee. But these non-members of The Management Committee can speak only by permission of The Management Committee. They may not vote. If they wish To raise a mater they should apply to the Chairperson before The meeting.

40.2 The Management Committee can exclude any non-members of the Management Committee for any parts of the business that they decide Should be discussed in private.

41 – Quorum of the Management Committee

41.1. A general meeting of the Association must fix the quorum necessary For business to be done at a Management Committee meeting. The Quorum must be at least a third of the membership of the Management Committee subject to a minimum of three.

 42 – Vacancies on the Management Committee

42.1. The Management Committee may act despite any vacancy on the Committee. But if the number of members falls below the quorum, it May act only to summon a general meeting of the Association.

 43 – A Resolution may be approved by Signature without a Meeting

43.1. A resolution in writing signed by all the members of the Management Committee or any sub-committee is as valid as if it had Been passed at a properly held meeting of the Management Committee Or sub-committee. The resolution may consist of several documents in The same form signed by one or more members of the Management Committee or sub-committee.

44 – Validity of Acts Done at Meetings

44.1. It may be discovered that there was some defect in the Appointment of a member of the Management Committee or someone Acting as a member or that discovered, anything done before the Discovery at any meeting of the Management Committee is as valid as If there were no defects or disqualification.




 45 – Delegation of Management Committee Powers to Sub-Committees

45.1. The Management Committee may delegate the administration of Any of its powers to Committees consisting of one or more of its Members. A sub-committee must conform to any regulations that the Management Committee imposes on it.

45.2. The members of the Management Committee on the sub-Committee may (unless the Management Committee directs otherwise) Co-opt any person or people to serve on the sub – committee.

45.3. All acts and proceedings of the sub – committee must be reported To the Management Committee as soon as possible.

46 – Chairperson of Sub-Committees

 46.1. A sub-committee may elect a Chairperson of its meetings if the Management Committee does not nominate one.

 46.2. If at any meeting the sub-committee’s Chairperson is not present Within 10 minutes after the appointed starting time, the members present May choose one of their numbers to be Chairperson of the meeting


  1. Proper Accounts must be kept

 47.1. The Management Committee must have proper books of account Kept in accordance with the law. In particular, the books of account Must show:

  1. a) all amounts received and spent by the Association, and for what;
  2. b) all sales and purchases by the Association;
  3. c) The assets and liabilities of the Association.

47.2 The books of account must give a true and fair view of the state of The Association’s affairs and explain its transactions. Otherwise they are Not proper books of account.

48 – Books must be kept at the Office

 48.1. The books of account must be kept at the Registered Office of the Charity or at other places decided by the Management Committee. The books of account must always be open to inspection by members of The Management Committee.


49 – Inspection of Book

49.1. The Management Committee must decide whether, how far, when, Where and under what rules the books of account may be inspected by Members who are not on the Management Committee. A member who is Not on the Management Committee may only have the right to inspect a Book of account or document of the Association if the right is given by law Or authorised by the Management Committee or a general meeting.

50 – Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheets

 50.1. The Management Committee must, for each accounting reference Period, put before a general meeting of the Association:

  1. a) any profit and loss accounts;
  2. b) A report by the Management Committee on the state of the Association as required by the law.

50.2. The Management Committee must file with the Association’s With Charity commission the annual returns that are required.

51 – Copies for Members

51.1. Certain documents must be sent to members of the Association at Least 21 days before the date of the general meeting. These documents Are:

  1. a) A copy of every balance sheet (including every document required by law to be attached to it) which is to be laid before the association at the general meeting.
  2. b) A copy of the Auditors’ report.
  3. c) A copy of the report of the members of the Management Committee.

51.2. But this Constitution does not require a copy of these documents to be Sent to anyone whose address the Association does not know.

52    – Appointment of Auditors

52.1 – Properly qualified auditors must be appointed. At least once a Year the Auditors must examine the books of account and the correctness of the income and expenditure account and balance sheet.

53 – Service of Notices

53.1. The association may give notice to any member either personally or By delivering it or sending it by ordinary post to his or her registered Address. If the member lacks a registered address within the United Kingdom, notice may be sent to any address within the United Kingdom Which he or she has given the association for that purpose. If a notice is Sent by post, it will be treated as having been served by properly Addressing, pre-paying and posting a sealed envelope containing the Notice. The notice will be treated as having been received 48 hours after The envelope containing it was posted if posted by first class post and 72 Hours after posting if posted second class post.

54 – Accidental Omission of Notice

54.1. Sometimes a person entitled to receive a notice of meeting does Not get it because of accidental omission or some other reason. This Does not invalidate the proceedings of that meeting.

  1. Who is entitled to Notice of General Meetings

55.1. Notice of every general meeting must be given to

  1. a) every Member (except those members who lack a registered address within the United Kingdom and have not given the Association an address for notices within the United Kingdom);
  2. b) the Auditors of the Association;

55.2. No-one else is entitled to receive notice of general meetings.

 56 – Alteration of the Articles

 56.1. The association may alter these Articles of the Constitution only by a special Resolution. A special resolution must be passed at a meeting of members Of which 21 days notice has been given of the intention to pass a special Resolution and at which 75% of those voting must be in favour of. Such A resolution may be passed on shorter notice if 95% of members having The rights to vote agree.

56.2. Any alteration must be notified to the Registrar of the Charity Commission.

57 – Dissolution of the Association

57.1. The Management Committee or a general meeting may decide at Any time to dissolve the association. The association shall then call a Meeting of all members and those entitled to notice of general Meetings.(see also Clause 10 of Objects of the Association Section above).

57.2. Any surplus must be used in accordance with the provisions of The Constitution of Association.